YOLO (acronym meaning “You Only Live Once”) is a term that refers to a carefree, do whatever you want attitude toward living. Along the same lines as the Latin carpe diem (‘seize the day’), it is a call to live life to its fullest extent. The hashtag YOLO can be found throughout social media. And while it may be true that “you only live once,” that fact should cause us to live carefully in the sight of God. Our days on this earth are numbered, so there’s nothing inherently wrong with trying new things or even taking calculated risks. But living as though your life is merely the sum of your experiences is short-sighted. Our actions, for good or evil, have lasting significance and carry with them consequences. Galatians 6:8 tells us, “Those who live only too please their sinful nature will harvest decay and death. But those who live too please the Spirit will have everlasting life.” What a great reminder of how precious our days are and how we must embrace each of those days with prudence and not foolishness.


Just Breathe


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